Hello i have a few projects i want to look into doing and one is the music video and the other one is playing a double role of my self. So basically i want to have my self talking to my self in one seen dressed up as 2 different people. What software will i need to do something like this and will i need a green screen? I heard someone say if the background stays the same that i won’t need a green screen is that correct?
If the camera does not move will this make things a whole lot easier? How do i get the timing right so i talk back to my self in time? Thanks for any help. One word: planning. Actually, two words: planning and common sense.
Feb 02, 2018 Friend if you want to shot your double role in the video without video editing then you need to download. Top 3 Best FREE Video Editing Software.
If you think about it, having two people on the screem at once is one of the easiest effects in video editing (and a process I have described numerous times on the forums so I'm not goingto go into detail again). The simplest and easiest way of achieving the effect is to divide the screen up into two seperate parts. When filming verison one of yourself, make sure you stay in one half of the frame, and then when filming the second version make sure you stay in the other half.
In post, add the two halved together. Just make sureyou don't move your tripod. How do you get the timing right? You could get someone else to stand in for these parts, or wtach the playback on a monitor. Free Kp Prashna Kundali Software In Marathi.
I don’t really want to have to disagree with you as you might kick me off the site since you are the admin but i have to I think you are very wrong indeed to say that how can someone possibly answer the question i asked if they have no knowledge about video editing at all? What you have basically just said is that you can stop anyone in the street and ask them how you do a double role as the same person and they would know the answer to it. If you think that then well you must be in a bubble or something. This question was technical and only someone who has some knowledge in video editing would know the answer to it.